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Cache Report: The Scars That Heal

I am glad we made this journey in spring. We were unaware that a forest fire had torn through this area two years ago. Fortunately, in spring the healing of the land is most evident. Charred soil is camouflaged by vast meadows of wildflowers, the barren stumps have new baby trees ringing their base. In winter this would look like a moonscape, and in the heat of summer it would look freshly scarred again. These trails are on utility-owned land and open to the public. The river runs on one side, with wetlands and farm lands on the other. Each little trail was only about 1 to 2 miles long, since the area is broken up with private parcels. Trip Report Cache #1: Our first cache was actually grabbed on some conservation land as we headed out of town. I solved the puzzle for it last week, so we decided to grab it today since we need it for a geotour. It was a half mile walk, so not quite a park and grab. Mo made the grab, then I noticed the gopher snake sleeping beneath the cache! ...

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