Cache Report: Sunday Drivers

Mo was tired after the previous day's hike, but we both wanted to rack up a few more finds for the Planetary Pursuit challenge at I was 10 points away from Neptune, and she was 35. It was a rainy day, but a stiff breeze pushed out the clouds around 4:00 pm. A bit windy for walking, so we decided to do a Sunday drive around town, instead.

Trip Report
 The goal was to only be out an hour or two, so I checked out some local "park and grab" caches nearby in the hopes of finding some favorites worth 15 points instead of 5. I found a few, so we loaded into the car.

Cache #1:  This one was the furthest out, taking us through downtown. I decided to go for it because it is part of the Film GeoTour we are working on and it was worth 15 planetary points. It sounded simple enough as the description said it was in a Little Library but not a book. Low and behold, we arrive and discover our first gadget cache! It took awhile and I almost gave up (even sent for a hint from the CO). Finally, Mo figured out the mechanism and I found where to pull to open the secret compartment. Too cool! We even picked up a Travel Bug to move along this weekend.

Cache #2: We headed back to the sports complex to grab a few more parking lot caches. The CO with the clever nano hides from last week had four more park and grabs in the lot. Mo zeroed right in on the first one before I even stopped the car. We're definitely getting an eye for this. A bolt on the sign looked a bit off -- more rusty than the other bolts. Yep, the cache!

Cache #3: I think this one would have fooled me if Mo hadn't seen it. I was able to hone in on GZ, but all I saw was a fence post. It was mo that discovered the metal band that slipped off and had a log hidden inside.

Cache #4: A drive along the back of the arena took us to our next cute little urban cache. This reflector was easy to spot. There was a defunct wasp nest in the pole behind it -- very glad it was no longer active!

Cache #5:  Our last stop was one last clever hide. This one was hidden inside a rock, in the parking lot. It only took a moment to spot the out of place rock. We spent a few extra moments watching a group flying fancy remote control airplanes over the parking lot.


Although we prefer hiking to cache, there is a place for urban hides. Some take us someplace interesting that we didn't know existed, such as the Little Library (we found a cool park right on the river bank on our way down to it). Others are neat little caches on their own.  For a quick break, we will likely hunt up more of these guys.

As for our Planetary Pursuit stats -- both Mo and I achieved the Neptune Souvenir. Not bad, since we started caching with half the challenge over already and we weren't even aware of it until the last two weeks of the challenge! 


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